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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Life changing.... Maybe.

This is the year for infinite possibilities. Ok, so far, this morning I have decided on a few things. Number one. I am participating in Gold's Gym 12 week transformation challenge. i plan to work out as much as I can without burning myself out. I am committing to a lifestyle change. I also have decided to join a running club by the end of the year. I plan on running/walking a 5k or 10k by the end of the year. Maybe both. I am ready. 23 years old and 257 pounds is not my idea of fun and I refuse to let my weight hold me back any longer.

Are you with me?

Love and blessings.



LaQT/ Ty said...

I'm with you. I have baby weight that I am trying to get off. I believe that we can accomplish our goals. You seem to have a lot planned start off slow. Staying motivated is the key. I wish you success. I'm rooting for you all the way!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you girlfriend. I need to get in the gym myself. It's definitely a 2012 goal of mine too!

Style4Curves said...

Great goals!